
God the Almighty: Power, Wisdom, Holiness, Love is unavailable, but you can change that!

God is variously portrayed as vulnerable (Jürgen Moltmann, Clark Pinnock), as lover (Norman Pittenger, Ronald Goetz), as friend (Alfred North Whitehead, Sallie McFague) and as empowerer (Rosemary Radford Ruether). Bloesch agrees that many of these proposals have some biblical merit. But what is lacking, he argues, “is a strong affirmation of the holiness and almightiness of God.” In this volume,...

of a God of wrath, which is superseded by the New Testament depiction of God as inexhaustible love. Conservatives err by using this verse as a basis for double predestination, whereas it actually indicates God’s bypassing of Esau and his election of Jacob for a special role in salvation history.16 In the Hellenistic conception of God, which entered into the speculation of both Catholic and Protestant theologians, God does not punish anyone. He allows us to be punished by our own sins. This approach
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